
Monday, August 13, 2018

reckless abandon

Remember the trust exercise that was inevitable at camp during childhood? You'd turn your back to your partner, put your arms across your chest, close your eyes, and fall backward, trusting that your partner's arms would be there to catch you.  Interestingly, even the troublemakers in the group would follow through and support their partner's weight.  

Most unfortunately, adulthood isn't so simple.

There are situations outside of our control.  There are people around us whose behavior we cannot change.  Some trials in our lives will feel, and even be, insurmountable.  We have a limited ability to control and manipulate what goes on around us.

The first of the 12 Steps of Recovery reads: "We admitted we are powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable."

Getting right to the crux of it.  

Powerlessness.  We, as humans, are relatively powerless.  

When we confess to the Lord that we, indeed, are powerless, that's when he rolls up his sleeves and the real work begins.

Humbling ourselves before the Lord allows him to not only work in our circumstances, but allows him to work on our hearts in the process.  The Lord is far more concerned with the condition of our hearts than with our circumstances.  He knows that if we are not amenable to being shaped and molded, no real growth and change will come.  He allows things into our lives to ensure that we are wholly dependent upon him.  When we are humbled enough to accept that we can't go it alone, he's right there with us, ensuring we can stand up and face whatever lies ahead or whatever past monster lurks behind us.

When I picture what surrender to God looks like, I picture someone at the edge of a vast cliff, overlooking rough waters.  Without any concern for what lies below, they spread their arms wide, close their eyes, and allow themselves to free fall.  They trust that, upon landing, they will be safe and secure.

Surrender each worry, each fear, each past hurt, to the waters below.  Lighten your load until it's nothing but you, standing at the edge of the rock.

Give in, open your arms, and trust that the Lord is waiting to catch you.

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